Sixth Sense Public Relations

Four prominent personalities

Here, we will look at four prominent personalities in the Ego world entrapped in the Limited Awareness tiles.Ego Mind, Witness Mind and Wisdom Mind.To recap, the Ego Mind operates through the faculty of thinking and its domain is the Limited Awareness tiles that are Entrapments and create duality.Deep down, this is a leader who is judging themselves or who has been judged before and still has charge around that judgement.When on task and contributing, the warrior can be really engaged, connected and involved, but any hint of not being appreciated or valued can send them into a spin of emotions.To be able to grow, the warrior needs to be able to identify his lowest level of awareness and be prepared to begin development work, which involves being very honest and open.The person may feel as though he has been left out or rejected.Within the code, we have developed techniques to help someone in this situation to move beyond this tile as part of their growth.Someone feeling Hurt can ask himself some questions that will help him to move out of Hurt, first by asking whether there is actually any truth in what others are saying or doing that causes him to feel pain.Perhaps the Wounded Warrior is using any criticism to hurt himself because he hasn’t found the core of the Hurt and discharged it.If he is feeling left out or rejected, the warrior can explore joining a volunteer group, which will help him learn to give without expectation.There are many and unique approaches that can be taken to address the specific beliefs that drive the Wounded Warrior.John responds immediately to emails, indicating to his team managers that he is working on something specific, when in fact he is just adding to his list of things to do, which feeds back into the worried and anxious cycle as he feels disempowered to take the appropriate steps forward to reduce the workload.He cannot hide his anxiety and as he is the leader, others are given permission to be anxious.However, by identifying his inability to take steps towards managing his workload way before the deadline, John has the ability to move to higher awareness.By being able to recognize the triggers for his anxiety and identifying the point at which he became the victim of the lower tiles he has the power to recontextualize the story and act on his behalf to manage the workload.Taking someone’s warrior away from them can expose the pain.Wounded warriors are best taken to a therapist as the wound can be very deep and there may be a lot of defence and protection around it.That others value you?Is dismissiveness a problem in the team?Do you feel you are dismissive?If yes, would you like the team or yourself to do something about this and operate as a more powerful leader?Are you interested in/open to learning how to be more inclusive of your team members and be a more powerful leader?If yes, would you like the team or yourself to do something about this and operate as a more powerful leader?Are you interested in/open to learning how to be a more powerful leader?These leaders can display all manner of behaviours that serve their Ego and they may not even be aware they are doing it.This undermines the team performance, output and connectivity.It can be likened to a ‘snake in the grass’.This Controlling attitude is often hidden by another part of the person in Egotistical.However, this leader is always covering up their behaviours below the 40s.A team with a Snake in it can find it hard to grow because there will be constant conflicts.Somehow, he has been allowed to get away with it, probably because he has value in some way or is close friends with someone at the top of the hierarchy.So, the Snake goes behind people’s backs, sabotaging team progress and morale by being immersed in their own priorities, issues, Entrapments and ignorance.Does the leader have Snake qualities?Is the behaviour of the leader driven by his Ego?Being able to identify the Snake in your work environments or even on the global stage is half of the journey.The next move is how to approach them.The Legend, 80s, 90sIn contrast to the Snake and Wounded Warrior there are leaders who leave a legacy that captures our hearts and minds and we wonder, ‘How did they do that?’ They become folklore around and through the team connections.The qualities of the legendary leader are ones that we admire, idolize or of which we are in awe.They function outside the duality of Thinking Mind.Sometimes a team member cannot see the brilliance in the proposed way forward and retreats into Stressed.They know it’s not always about being ‘right’, but instead, always getting the team to see and feel and know that they are all on a path to finding the absolute highest potential outcome for all involved.This leader begins to live in the 60s tiles until they overcome all their negative stories.This leader shows us an aliveness that is inside each team member but they may not either know that, or are aware of how to bring that out through the layers of conditioning.Corporate Transformation and the codeThe Code is applicable not only to individuals and their teams, but to companies as well.However, such altruism does not automatically lead to accompanying heightened awareness.They will find themselves disrupted or displaced by companies who have grasped the nettle.Organizations that operate below 50 in awareness and lack integrity can only have a limited period of success before this plays out in a negative way.How the company operates externally or internally in the culture and the business then goes into decline or fragments.The company would then need to recruit new leaders to step in to take the company to a higher level.Social and corporate responsibility is being demanded in equal measure by the public.In these cases, it is up to people who can access these states of mind to find empowered ways to remove the person from leadership.The following are suggestions and you may have other approaches that affect you deeply.Perhaps start with music.Make a playlist of your favourite songs and listen to them over the course of the week.Scan the tiles and identify any tiles that apply to the songs you are listening to.Are there any messages for you in this approach?Lie on the floor and as you allow your body to integrate the movement, scan the tiles and identify where the process took you.What have you discovered?Watch how the body responds to a stroll in the green, lush forest, the beach, the desert, the snow, the wind, the rain.In each of the responses, can you identify a tile that is present?Is it limited or deeper awareness?What have you learned?What is your role in this?Coming Up NextWould you like to explore the mechanics of how to move closer to tile 100?Realizing what is old and needs replacing is the first part of recontextualizing old stories.Ask yourself, ‘What is going on for me that holds me back from fully expressing the power of this tile?There can be an increased feeling of lightness, relief, optimism, truth or freedom.Being aware that this can be a new story for you is powerful.If I ask, ‘Would you like to be a wonderful leader when you grow up?’, what would you have said during the various stages of your life?You need to be breathing, walking, eating, sleeping, living those qualities and virtues that are present above 60 and then Incredible can open to you.Sometimes a crisis or sudden exhaustion or sickness promotes the activating of Realizing Truth inside of you and you realize you must change.Level 30–59 usually does not want to go into any story below 29 as it is perceived as a weakness.It is covered over with ‘I am doing okay’ and ‘I will work it out’.Addictions to pleasure, avoidance, denial, pretending and blaming others are all in there.Something has arrived in my awareness.Instead of returning to an old pattern of below 60, I am now aware of a possible different way of being with what is happening.More meaning is derived as the awakening deepens and over time remains as a constant.Courageous ConversationsBelow 30 is disempowered and courage is not available.Levels 30–59 can feel like courage but it is best termed ‘false courage’, or bravado.At its mildest, there is a tendency towards impressing others and at its extreme is to boast, brag, swagger and be cocky through a conversation.This drops away at 60 and there is a realization that a new power is available.Stepping In generates will and a determination to represent something more important than Ego.All through the tiles of 60 to 69 you will notice more will, determination or courage to represent a personal truth rather than an Egotistical or fearful position.The emotional charge of below 60 cannot participate in a courageous conversation.‘There is something I have been meaning to bring to your attention after our conversation’ is not attacking, condemning, controlling or accusing.For courageous conversations to be successful for a leader, all participants are to be above 60 otherwise it will have Controlling elements within it, or perhaps an Egotistical false courageous conversation.It can depend on what you value and others may not value the same approach.Do you have one or more suggestions as part of your approach?What the leader says and does gives permission for others to say and do the same things.It may even be congratulated and seen as the cultural/family/company norm to behave in this way.It is only when you have your awareness above 60 that you can understand that each below 60 is a form of Entrapment and each Entrapment has to be lived for as long as it takes to be able to find the Revelation that will take you out of the Entrapment.It becomes a journey of identifying the defence mechanisms, pushbacks, denials, projections and confusion of below 60 in both yourself and others.It’s easier initially to identify it in others.If you find yourself reacting to someone else’s below 60 in a judgemental or victim way, this can be pointing to this Entrapment as still being inside of you so that the other person is actually mirroring for you.When you eventually do not react to this Entrapment it is showing you that you have found the Revelation to be released from this Entrapment.‘It’s okay to be frustrated, everyone does’ is an example of saying below 60 is justifiable.And it is, until you know the Revelation that is going to get you out of frustration, and that can be different for everyone.It feels great to be empowered rather than frustrated’.I might go into ‘boredom’ or lack of connection to justify it by an Entrapment belief about myself as less than in some way.A leader’s Witness Mind has an ability to prioritize according to the potential of the situation rather than judging it.The potential comes to the intuitive Witness Mind rather than the Judging Mind.The latter looks to stay in the situation, or not, according to personal gain.Every life has its own unique expression.Here, we look at indicators the leader can become more aware of with practice.This lack is pain associated with it.The pain of loneliness, depression, uncertainty, rejection the list goes on.All below 30 cannot communicate effectively so the pain grows and accumulates.Listening to an inner belief system that is denigrating to self.Belief others will not understand, or if we speak, we will embarrass ourselves further, so instead we withdraw.No one really understands.If I do communicate, it is through complaining, moaning, whinging, whining poor me!So we gravitate towards 30–59 to escape this pain.‘I am very good at one type of thing, why aren’t you?What’s wrong with you?The only thing that is important is what I am good at, which is why I am so important’, says Ego.This week is all about noticing behaviours or situations you judge.Sometimes, a person’s behaviour may trigger you because it is a mirror of something you do not own or accept about yourself.Can you match this to a particular tile?What is it about that behaviour that creates the response you have?Coming Up NextIt all sounds good on paper, but how does the Code work in real time with real challenges?The Code provides a way to track how leaders are faring.In fact, everywhere teams or groups of people were looking to someone for leadership guidance were on view.Inactivity like being a bystander or abdicating responsibility abounds at these levels.ControllingThese leaders were seen to be dictators in their attitude of how and what and where and when things were to happen.Little choice was given to the team as the hierarchical system was firmly established.All of this is justifiable to the leader in Controlling mode.Those being ordered what to do wither and comply, feeling disempowered.Disdain for others’ expert opinion, accusations, exaggerations, ignoring the facts, downplaying the gravity of the situation, highlighting personal achievements all show us where these leaders are on the code.Stepping InLeaders who could ‘read’ the situation responded early and led the way.Incredibly, her country responded with very low levels of infection as a consequence of such an approach.

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Sixth Sense Public Relations